Virtual Office Advisory webinars scheduled for 2023

We offer educational webinars at noon every other month to connect you with Priority Health experts and to help your practice maximize its effectiveness. Registration for remaining 2023 webinars are now available; agendas will be posted at least 3 weeks prior to the event date.

New this year

Based on your survey feedback, we’re introducing a new structure for VOAs. Webinars will continue to be scheduled every other month, but there will be three specifically for billers and coders held on April 13, August 10 and December 14. The remaining webinars will cover a variety of topics including updates on products, risk adjustment, formulary changes, Medicare and Medicaid quality, behavioral health and more.

Recap of February’s VOA

We kicked off this year’s VOA schedule by highlighting our online tools and resources available to help you work with us. Watch a recording of the webinar and access the downloads and resources from the presentation.