Replacing APCD extracts with improved, data-rich file in the coming months

As we continually strive to provide our Accountable Care Networks (ACNs) with accurate, easy-to-use data, we’ll be phasing out our All-Payer Claims Data (APCD) extracts in 2024 – transitioning to a more robust, data-rich file that includes the member and claims data you need.

This transition will take place over the course of several months, during which participating ACNs will have the opportunity to test and update their systems to ingest the new file while still receiving the APCD extracts.

Test our new data dictionary

We’ve made available a data dictionary/file layout to compare what you receive today through APCD with what we’re preparing for the updated files. This Excel spreadsheet lists the fields appearing in each extract with a data description, type, size and format.

Click here to download the data dictionary.

SFTP setup

While APCD files are shared via Filemart, the updated files will be delivered to ACNs by Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). As more of our reports and data move to SFTP , we encourage you to get set up with us if you haven’t already.

Questions, feedback & next steps

In the coming weeks, we’ll connect with ACNs on rollout timing and needs, including a test file tailored to your ACN as well as additional training and materials to support you through this transition.

If you have questions or feedback, or need support getting set up with SFTP, contact your Provider Strategy & Solutions Consultant.

Thank you in advance for your support and partnership.