Safely dispose of unneeded prescription drugs on April 22

Saturday, April 22, is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and we’re proud to join thousands of sites across the country once again as a take back site. We welcome your patients and all members of our community to stop by between 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. to drop off their expired, unwanted or unneeded prescription medications for safe disposal.

At last year's event, we collected 281 pounds of medication at our sites. 

Our drop off location

Priority Health
3111 Leonard St NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525

View Corewell Health sites

Why hold Takeback events?

Take Back programs offer a safe way to dispose of unused prescription drugs. Unused or expired prescription medications are a public safety issue and can lead to accidental poisoning, overdose and abuse. Pharmaceutical drugs can be dangerous when taken without a prescription or a provider’s supervision. Unused prescription drugs that are thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused by someone else. When flushed down the toilet, they contaminate our water supply.

Do you have patients affected by substance use conditions?

Contact our care coordination team. Our behavioral health department has clinical staff who specialize in helping members manage complex and chronic mental health and substance use conditions. Our care coordination team is available to support you as you help your patients get the outpatient care they need or successfully transition from a hospital setting back into the community.

Encourage your patients to use myStrength

myStrength is a digital tool that offers over 1,400 self-directed activities on a variety of mental wellness topics including alcohol and drug recovery as well as opioid recovery. These tools are available to our members 24/7 and complement the care you provide them to create real, lasting change.

Encourage your patients to sign up for a free account today.