The Vaccines for Children program offers government-purchased vaccines to eligible members

Did you know the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program offers government-purchased vaccines to eligible members at no cost to you?

What is the VFC program?

The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program is a federally funded program that provides vaccines at no cost for Medicaid-eligible infants, children and adolescents up through age 18.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) acquires vaccines at a discounted rate, making them available at no cost to participating physicians' offices and public health clinics.

How can the VFC program help you in your practice?

With the VFC program, you can administer all pediatric and adolescent age-appropriate preventive vaccines (or CDC age-appropriate recommended vaccines) at no cost to you, while still receiving reimbursement for administration costs. This can also help improve vaccination rates and increase your performance in our PCP Incentive programs.

How do you bill for a VFC visit?

The state Medicaid agency should be billed for the administration fee for Medicaid-eligible VFC children immunized by a Medicaid-enrolled VFC provider. You can find more information in the VFC Provider Manual (page 20).

How can you enroll in the VFC program?

Find information on enrollment, vaccine storage and administration, and other VFC program details from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Keep an eye out for our VFC survey.

PCP participation is crucial to VFC’s ongoing success. We’ll be sending out a survey to better understand your relationship to the VFC program and how we can best support you.