Medicaid STD prevention resources reminder

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including chlamydia and gonorrhea continue to be a significant health problem. But resources and tools are available for you to share with patients currently exhibiting symptoms and with their partners, in an effort to prevent further transmission.

Go to the MDHHS website Sexually Transmitted Diseases resource page now.

Chlamydia urine testing

Teens and young adults ages 16 - 25 who are sexually active should regularly be screened for chlamydia using a urine test. Studies show that more than 50% of young people have one of the 25 types of sexually transmitted infection (STIs). The most common is Chlamydiatrachomatis. Between 70% and 90% of women who are infected have no symptoms.

Learn more about ordering testing kits from the State.

Expedited partner therapy

Clinicians have an option to assure that individuals at risk due to exposure from a current patient receive treatment. An amendment last year to the Public Health Code authorized the use of expedited partner therapy (EPT), which allows clinicians to give patients medication or a prescription to deliver to their sex partner(s) without a medical evaluation or clinical assessment of those partners. This applies to all plans.

EPT information is available through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).