Quality care: Hypertension

If you have hypertension, it’s important you still monitor your blood pressure, even if you can’t make it to your doctor for in-person visits at the moment. By monitoring your blood pressure on your own, you can share your numbers with your provider during virtual visits so you can both make sure your health is on track.

Follow these tips for taking your own blood pressure at home to get the most accurate reading:

  • Sit for at least five minutes before you take your reading. Rest your left arm on a flat surface while you wait calmly.
  • Make sure both feet are flat on the ground.
  • Use a properly calibrated instrument. Make sure to check the cuff size and fit.
  • Place the bottom of the cuff above the bend of your elbow.
  • Take at least two readings, one minute apart in the morning before taking medications and evening before dinner.
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