Provider availability: Office location, hours, response time standards

Priority Health standards for our members' accessibility to health care are listed in the chart below.

Providers must ensure that their office hours for Medicaid and Medicare enrollees are consistent with those for other members.

Availability standards

Response time standards

Emergency care

  • Medical: Immediately or within 24 hours, depending on nature of illness
  • Behavioral health, life-threatening: Immediately
  • Behavioral health, non-life-threatening: Within 6 hours

Urgent care

  • Medical: Two days or less
  • Behavioral health: Within 48 hours

Appointments for routine or regular care

  • Medical, all except Medicaid: 30 business days
  • Medical, for Medicaid members: 14 business days
  • Behavioral health: 10 business days

Annual wellness/preventive care

  • 90 business days or less

Return phone calls (during business hours)

  • Medical: Within same business day
  • Behavioral health: Reach a non-recorded voice in 30 seconds or less

Return phone calls (after hours)

  • 2 hours or less
  • Behavioral health: 10 minutes or less