HL7 implementation process

The process for implementing HL7 file exchange may take as long as six to eight months, depending on how long it takes you to create your initial test file. The timelines shown below assume all systems are refreshing properly and in a timely manner. Technical issues may result in delays.

Step 1: Let us know you want to get started.

We will then begin our internal set-up process. See more information on the main HL7 page.

Step 2: Create a test HL7 file.

Provider/vendor file development turnaround time is dependent upon you; but creation of this initial test file usually takes three to six months. Once it's complete, you send it to us via secure email using your Priority Health Mailbox.

Step 3: Priority Health validates your test file.

We will send you feedback on necessary adjustments within one to two weeks.

Step 4: You submit your first production file.

We'll ask you to submit the first production file via secure e-mail for testing, loading and mapping. This turnaround time is in your hands.

Step 5: We work together to set up the secure connection.

Priority Health will confirm that your file loaded and the provider supplemental data was mapped into our system successfully. We will work with you to set up the secure connection (SFTP/VPN), and agree to file frequency, naming conventions and contact people. This step takes approximately two weeks.

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See details on the main HL7 supplemental health data exchange page in this manual.