Training opportunities and education news
- 07/10/2024: July VOA roundup
- 06/19/2024: Register for the 2025 PIP program overview VOA webinar
- 06/05/2024: Introducing VOA Modules and new 2024 live VOA dates
- 05/22/2024: Register for the June 13 VOA webinar
- 03/20/2024: Billers and coders: join us for our next VOA on April 11
- 01/24/2024: Join us for our next Virtual Office Advisory webinar on February 8
- 01/24/2024: Visit and bookmark our new provider onboarding center
- 12/20/2023: VOA dates have been set for the first half of 2024
- 11/15/2023: Register for the December 14 Virtual Office Advisory
- 09/14/2023: Register for the October 12 Virtual Office Advisory
- 07/18/2023: Register for the August 10 Virtual Office Advisory
- 05/18/2023: Register for the June 8 VOA
- 03/13/2023: Register for the April 13 VOA
- 02/20/2023: Virtual Office Advisory webinars scheduled for 2023
- prism live demo with QA
- 02/02/2021: 2021 D-SNP MOC training now available
- 06/15/2020 CDC's Public Health Grand Rounds presents: "Smoking Cessation: Past, Present and Future"
- 02/07/2020: Register today for virtual training
- 12/10/2019: MDHHS to host webinar on Jan. 1, 2020 HMP changes
- 10/16/2019: MDHHS to host community forums on upcoming Healthy Michigan Plan work requirements
- 09/20/2019: MDHHS to host webinar on upcoming HMP changes
- 02/04/2019: Register for the February Virtual Office Advisory
- 09/17/2018: Virtual Office Advisory webinars scheduled for 2019
- 04/25/2018: Register for the May 3 VOA webinar
- 04/03/2018: Register for pain management training
- 02/21/2018: Register now for MAPS opioid training
- 02/21/2018: Register now for all 2018 VOA webinars
- 02/16/2018: Register for the Priority Health Academy
- 02/08/2018: Register for the Feb. 21 VOA webinar
- 01/18/2018: Register for the Jan. 25 VOA webinar
- 10/10/2017: October VOA webinar invitation to register
- 09/07/2017: Sept. 13, 2017 VOA webinar invitation