Members 6 months and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

You can learn more about COVID-19 vaccines for children and teens at

Find where to schedule your vaccine

Need more information about the COVID-19 vaccine?

The MDHHS website provides in-depth information on the statewide vaccine rollout, locations and information on the safety and testing of the vaccine. Visit for the latest information.

Helpful COVID Vaccine FAQs from the experts:

  • MDHHS (Michigan Department of Health and Human Services)
  • CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Go to
Syringe and injection bottles

Is the COVID-19 vaccine covered?

The COVID-19 vaccine is available at no cost to all Priority Health members.

Note: You may receive a bill for administration of the vaccine if you use an out-of-network provider. See "Will I get a bill for the vaccine?" below for more information. 

Are the COVID-19 booster shots and additional doses covered?

Yes. All COVID-19 vaccine doses will be available at no cost to all Priority Health members.*

*Exception: Members enrolled in grandfathered and retiree commercial plans should check their plan documents to determine vaccine coverage.

Will I get a bill for the vaccine?


No. If you see an in-network provider you shouldn’t receive any type of bill for your vaccine.


If you receive your vaccine from an out-of-network provider, we can't guarantee that a provider will not bill for any balance amounts for the administration of the vaccine. Note that the government pays for the vaccine itself.

Out of network providers don't have negotiated contract rates with Priority Health. Therefore, as is the standard practice of other health plans, we will use usual, customary and reasonable rates (UCR) to determine how much to pay an out-of-network provider.

What are usual, reasonable and customary rates (UCR)?

UCR is the amount that is paid for a medical service in a geographic area based on what providers in the area usually charge for the same or similar medical service. The UCR amount sometimes is used to determine the allowed amount.

Learn more about UCR.

How long will you be offering the booster shots and additional doses for $0?

As long as the booster shots and additional doses are recommended by the CDC, Priority Health will cover them at $0 as part of our preventive care services offered under most Priority Health plans.

*Exception: Members enrolled in grandfathered and retiree commercial plans should check their plan documents to determine vaccine coverage.

How do I get a vaccine?

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has advised that eligible individuals can receive a vaccination by appointment through local health departments.

Other providers like retail pharmacies and hospitals have created their own registration and scheduling options. We recommend making appointments at your most convenient locations as they become available.

How do I get booster shots or additional doses?

Check with your primary care provider to determine whether you or a family member needs a booster shot or additional dose. Pharmacies, and local vaccination sites offer appointments for all COVID-19 vaccine doses.

Where are vaccine, booster shots and/or additional doses available?

Eligible residents can visit the State of Michigan's website and select vaccine location to make an appointment.

Medicare members: Remember to bring your red, white and blue Medicare card to your appointment.

What is the difference between a booster and an extra or additional dose?

Many terms are being used in the news these days. Experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine make the following distinction when talking about vaccines:

Booster: A COVID booster shot is an additional dose of a vaccine given after the protection provided by the original shot(s) has begun to decrease over time. Typically, you would get a booster after the immunity from the initial dose(s) naturally starts to wane. The booster is designed to help people maintain their level of immunity for longer.

Additional dose: An additional dose, originally called a third dose, is given to people with moderately or severely compromised immune systems to improve their response to the initial vaccine series. (The term “third dose” was used to refer to additional doses for the two mRNA vaccines, but now the term is “additional dose” because those who received a J&J “one dose” may also be eligible for a dose based on their immune systems.)

Extra dose: another way to phrase “additional dose”

(Johns Hopkins Medicine)