Medicare plan exceptions & complaints 

These instructions don't apply to members of Priority Health Medigap (Medicare supplement) plans.

The Medicare program has rules about what members of Priority Health Medicare plans need to do to ask for exceptions or make complaints about their coverage or their service, and how we must handle their requests and complaints.

  • We must be fair in how we handle it.
  • You can't be disenrolled from a Priority Health Medicare plan or penalized in any way.

Step one: Call us

Whatever you need, call Customer Service at 888.389.6648 (TTY 711) right away. We might be able to resolve your question or concern or approve your request over the phone.

Step two:

Ask for an exception for prescription drugs

Request a coverage decision for medical services

Or, file a complaint/grievance about service

Ask for an exception for a drug that you believe should be covered by your plan. Learn how to appeal if our decision is not in your favor.
Exception instructions
Formally request a coverage decision for medical services that you believe should be covered by your plan. Learn how to appeal if our decision is not in your favor.
Coverage decision instructions
Make a complaint (or grievance) about the service(s) you receive from us or from our network of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and other health care providers.
Service complaint instructions

Numbers of grievances and appeals

To find out the combined number of grievances, appeals and exceptions filed with Priority Health Medicare plans, call Customer Service.